Man has done so much harm that the earth cannot forget and forgive it….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Man has done so much harm that the earth cannot forget and forgive it....

There are people who are more interested in going to the moon — for no reason at all. These are the people who bring the future into the present.

Right now you also cannot think of any utility, but who knows?

The earth may become very inhospitable to man — it is becoming so.

Man has done so much harm that the earth cannot forget and forgive it. Man has been such a disaster, he has destroyed the ecology of the earth. The earth is angry, revengeful.

The earth one day may become absolutely against humanity. It may not provide food. Then the only way to survive will be to move from this planet to some other planet. It may not be the moon — but the moon is not the end of the explorers' playfulness, that is just a station on the way. It may be some other planet which will be more green,-more alive. The earth is dying; it is a dying planet, it is an old planet.

But only later on will people say 'Great inventors were these people who landed on the moon.' Right now, every practical, pragmatic person is against it. That's how it has always been.