The love that exists between a Master and a disciple is not like seasonal flowers….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

The love that exists between a Master and a disciple is not like seasonal flowers....

If a person goes from one teacher to another teacher thinking that this way he is going to accumulate much knowledge, he will go neurotic, because all those methods are right in their own context, but without the context they are dangerous.

And the context exists with the Master because only the Master is fully aware of what is being done.

A few people come here, and they will watch and they will try to collect a few fragments, and then they think they will try on their own.

They are doing something very dangerous. I would like them to be alert, beware: these methods can be dangerous without the context.

And the context exists in me, and the context exists here in the total situation that is being created. You have to be here to know something which can be beneficial. And you have to be very, very patient, because these things cannot be delivered to you like goods, and these things take time.

The love that exists between a Master and a disciple is not like seasonal flowers. That love needs long, long periods of intimacy. The disciple needs to be in immediate contact with the Master as long as possible; only then slowly, slowly something dawns on his consciousness; slowly, slowly a ray starts penetrating him.