You have lived in a certain way up to now — don’t you want to live in a different way? ….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

You have lived in a certain way up to now -- don't you want to live in a different way? ....

Look, watch for the unconscious motivation. The mind goes on bullying you and bossing you because you are not capable of seeing its real motivations. Once a person becomes capable of seeing real motivations, meditation is very close… because then the mind no longer has a grip on you.

The mind is a mechanism. It has no intelligence. The mind is a bio-computer. How can it have any intelligence? It has skill, but it has no intelligence; it has a functional utility, but it has no awareness. It is a robot; it works well but don't listen to it too much because then you will lose your inner intelligence.

Then it is as if you are asking a machine to guide you, lead you. You are asking a machine which has nothing original in it — cannot have. Not a single thought in the mind is ever original, it is always a repetition. Watch. Whenever mind says something, see that it is again putting you into a routine. Try to do something new and the mind will have less grip on you.

People who are in some way creative are always easily transformed into meditators, and people who are uncreative in their life are the most difficult. If you live a repetitive life the mind has too much control over you — you cannot move away from it, you are afraid. Do something new every day. Don't listen to the old routine. In fact, if the mind says something, tell it, 'This we have been doing always. Now let us do something else.'

Even small changes… in the way you have always been behaving with your wife — just small changes; in the way you always walk — just small changes; the way you always talk — small changes. And you will find that the mind is losing its grip on you, you are becoming a little freer.

Creative persons get more easily into-meditation and go deeper. Poets, painter, musicians, dancers, can get into meditation more easily than businessmen — they live a routine life, absolutely uncreative.

Each moment — you are new, reborn, the consciousness is never old. The consciousness is always the son and the mind is always the father. The mind is never new and the consciousness is never old — and the mind goes on advising the son. The father will create the same pattern in the son, then the son will repeat the same thing.

You have lived in a certain way up to now — don't you want to live in a different way? You have thought in a certain way up to now — don't you want some new glimpses in your being? Then be alert and don't listen to the mind.

Mind is your past constantly trying to control your present and your future. It is the dead past which goes on controlling the alive present. Just become alert about it.

But what is the way? How does the mind go on doing it? The mind does it with this method: it says, 'If you don't listen to me, you will not be as efficient as I am. If you do an old thing you can be more efficient because you have done it before. If you do a new thing you cannot be so efficient.' The mind goes on talking like an economist. an efficiency expert; it goes on saying, 'This is easier to do. Why do it the hard way? This is the way of least resistance.'

Remember, whenever you have two things, two alternatives, choose the new one, choose the harder, choose the one in which more awareness will be needed. At the cost of efficiency always choose awareness, and you will create the situation in which meditation will become possible. These are all just situations. Meditation will happen. I am not saying that just by doing them you will get to meditation — but they will be helpful. They will create the necessary situation in you without which meditation cannot happen.

Be less efficient but more creative. Let that be the motive. Don't be bothered too much about utilitarian ends. Rather, constantly remember that you are not here in life to become a commodity; you are not here to become an utility, that is below dignity;. you are not here just to become more and more efficient — you are here to become more and more alive; you are here to become more and more intelligent; you are here to become more and more happy, ecstatically happy.